Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: It's the Start of Something New

With 2013 coming to a close and 2014 beginning, it is time to make the classic New Years Resolutions. Like the HSM stars sing so eloquently "It's the start of something new, it feel so right to be here with you..." except I'm single as fuck so it will be the start of an improved me.

So many bloggers have put together great lists and I think the main theme of mine will reflect trying to stay young while entering a new chapter of life that requires you to step up my A-game and become more of an adult. Mine  will be more 'lifestyle changes' and things I hope to remember to do. Let this list resemble the carrot dangling in front of a horse and let it be my own personal chocolate truffle guiding me into adulthood and looking at feet for a living.

  1. Continue to enjoy being single until Prince Adam sweeps you off your feet. [For those who are not Disney enthusiasts, Prince Adam is the Beast from and the Beast]. Wait for the Beast to be tamed before you make any haste decisions to say yes to a date or changing that FB status to in a relationship. {shudder}. 
  2. Every time you judge someone, slap yourself. It's rude and people are probably now judging you for slapping yourself in public. Quit your own public humiliation and quit being judgmental - it is rude and this will make you a better person.
  3. Drink half your weight in water. [your weight/2 = #oz of water to drink a day]. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor. 
  4. If you don't have time or money to finance your own personal journey to another country, go buy a book and read about someones great adventure or go on Pinterest and make a board of places you wish to see and things to do for when you can afford to go. 
  5. Make time to get schwastypantsed before you forget what alcohol tastes like. School is important, but so is your sanity. 
  6. Also make time for Netflix or a great read. When life makes you want to hide under a rock in the fetal position, allow it to happen. Lock yourself in your room, cuddle in your bed with a bottle of vino, and let the story suck you in and forget life for a bit. Then, wake up from your vino-coma with inspiration to keep on keeping on.
  7.  Even though you're already in Grad School, try to remember that life exists outside of the walls of education, including the sun-light. You still need your Vit. D.
  8. Respect your mom more. They may be slightly overbearing, but they love you to pieces and shoved you out of their whooha ages ago. #respect. 
  9. Always strive for success. Stand up tall, look your tests in the eye, and aim for total domination. 
  10. Remember that Today is a NEW DAY! You have 24 hours to either sit and do nothing or do something worth sharing with others. Your choice. I'll pick doing something blog-worthy.
xoxo my little piggies


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